Criminal Defense
We partner with defense attorneys to ensure that every aspect of the truth is brought to light in your case. We put all of our experience and skills to work to defend the very principles of the 5th, 6th, and 14th Amendments of the US Constitution.
We understand that you have the right to a fair trial and it’s our goal to provide your attorney with the best information to mount the best defense. Our work includes reviewing reports and evidence, gathering further evidence, locating and interviewing witnesses, crime scene investigation, FOIA requests, and process service.
Domestic Investigations
We approach these cases with compassion and empathy. While we are professional and thorough in our investigation, we recognize that these are sensitive situations and you can rely on our discretion and candor.
Our work includes investigations of infidelity, divorce, child custody, and abuse. These are difficult cases and we always recommend that our client is consulting an attorney in order to protect themselves and their interests. Surveillance and online research are the typical cornerstones of these investigations. We gather compelling evidence of the truth as we discover it.
Conduct Interviews
Talking to people can often be the cornerstorne of a successful investigation. We’re serious about getting to the truth and uncovering what’s been hidden. Quite often, a properly conducted, professional interview based on rapport building is the only way to get the answers.
We have a lengthy, well established hostory of conducting successful interviews that shift the momentum of a casr. Tust us to carefully handle your interviews for criminal defense, background investigations, corporate investigations, and civil disputes.
Surveillance/ Undercover
Everyone knows the importance of good, irrefutable evidence. Sometimes it’s the culmination of hours of research and prep work to ensure that you’re in the right place at the right time. Sometimes it shines light on a whole new angle and puts new events in motion. That’s how we view our surveillance and undercover work.
The case, the facts, and the desired outcome determine when we use these critical tools. Mishandled surveillance can ruin a case. Our equipment is high quality; including a variety of video cameras, audio recorders, and GPS trackers. The right tools and our investigators’ extensive undercover experience will get the job done.
Locating People
Many of our cases involve at least some small aspect of locating someone. Sometimes it’s at the very core of a case. Perhaps you’ve had a child or elderly family member go missing, or you just discovered a relative you never knew about. We can help provide that peace you need when you just don’t know what has happened and where someone is.
We examine each request to confirm that our services are not being exploited to locate someone that will be in danger by an abusive partner or stalker.
Skip tracing is the industy term for locating people and there is a wide variety of reaons why this service is needed. Contact us to see if we can help.
Online Investigations
Every case we take requires us to dive into the fast-paced and ever-changing world of online investigative research and intelligence gathering. Many of our cases start right here, because we can gather timely and accurate information in less time with less resources. That information then drives our case forward to the best next steps.
OSINT is the term used to identify open source intelligence gathering. Open source information is publicly available on the internet and can be found by anyone. But, it does require a specific set of skills to locate the accurate data. OSINT combined with social media research and access to specialized databases puts the investigation on the right track.